The Automotive industry is one of the huge industries that contribute to a large share of the economy of any country. From the parts used in the vehicles to assembling them and then supplying them to the customers, the entire supply chain of automotive industries involves the integration of various technologies and industries like electrical, lighting, mechanical, etc..
In such an industry that involves thousands of employees, equipment, machines, and materials the risks caused during manufacturing and maintaining vehicles can be pretty high. This increased risk has made automotive safety management a huge concern for the automotive industry. Below is a detailed guide on the automotive shop safety training procedure, technology, and components involved in it.

Different Types of Risks That Occur in the Automotive Industry

Manual Hazards

Various automotive work functions like stretching, bending, pulling, and lifting involve various fixed postures that are unique from the regular body movements. Repetition of these postures might lead to stress on the body parts like muscles.

Slips, Trips, and Fall Hazards

These are one more potential hazards of automotive hazards caused due to slippery floor surfaces, improper footwear, false use of ladders, etc... These can lead to serious damages like musculoskeletal disorders and also loss of life in the worst cases.

Machine and Equipment Hazards

Automotive industry workers work with various machines and equipment regularly. There are high chances that they might be prone to risks when working at heights or due to improper functioning of machines like power tools, welders, and extension tools. These hazards have significant damages to the human body like tissue damage due to chemical and thermal burns.

Substance Hazards

The manufacturing and maintenance of vehicles include a lot of substances like paints, paint removers, resins, adhesives, oils, rust converters, dust removers. All these substances can cause serious health hazards if not handled with care or stored in inappropriate places. These hazards can cause damage to the lungs and intestinal tract. They can also lead to irritation to the eyes and skin.

Manual Risks

Causes of Risk

Manual risks are caused due to the different height and weight of the individuals. These risks are usually a combination of weights and body postures.

Poor lighting and hot engine parts are also factors of these risks.

Young and inexperienced workers might also cause the risk due to a lack of physical strength.

Measures to Control

Workplace risk assessment to keenly check and observe the manual tasks performed to identify the risk contributing factors.

Using lifting aids like slings, dollies that are able to handle heavy equipment while working.

Using rolling equipment to carry objects from one place to another instead of moving them.

Ensure adequate lighting in the work environment.

Machine and Equipment Hazards

Causes of Risk

Damaged electrical cords in the workplace can result in electric shock risk.

Fire sparks and other flying particles can also ignite flammable chemicals which can cause severe ignition of engines and lead to fire accidents in the workplace.

Inadequate ventilation results in asphyxiation hazards caused due to low oxygen levels which might lead to death in extreme conditions.

Leakage of compressed air all of a sudden causes unbearable sound and leads to rupture of the eardrum. This air can also be fatal when penetrated under the skin.

Measures to Control

Maintain a safety data sheet for every gas used in the workplace.

Store cylinders in a safe position and place to prevent them from falling or rolling.

Carrying out regular inspections for rusting/pitting every two years.

Install compressors in noise-free areas. Carry on pre-operational inspection especially for checking leakages.

Ensure that all the electrical equipment complies with the WHS regulations.

Slips, Trips, and Fall Hazards

Causes of Risk

Slippery Floor Surfaces.

Improper Footwear.

Carrying things in a way such that they obstruct the front view.

Incorrect use of the ladders.

Measures to Control

Check the floor surfaces regularly and repair any damages caused to them.

Provide ladder usage training to the workers using them.

Place warning signs in the hazardous places of the worksite.

Provide ramps in case of changed floor level heights.

Ensure that the workplaces are hygienic enough and clean them regularly.

Substance Hazards

Causes of Risk

These risks occur when oxygen, ignition, and fuel sources come together.

Dust, fumes, and gases can also pose a potential fire or explosion risk.

Vehicle emissions especially diesel are one of the main factors of these risks being caused at the workplace.

Measures to Control

Better to store the flammable materials tightly sealed so as to avoid leakage.

Do not stock hazardous substances. Better to get them when required.

Avoid the mixture of different liquids used closing the lids regularly.

Train workers on automotive safety components and technology.

These are all the risks and potential hazards caused by the automotive industry. To control them and protect employees from injuries every automotive company is now hiring an automotive safety training company that can provide automotive safety training that can help their employees understand all the potential risks that can occur in the workplace.

Compliant Experts safety management is a safety management system software company in Utah. The company has been a prominent provider of safety management for various industries like automotive, construction, healthcare, etc... For over twenty-five years. The automotive safety training program of Compliant Experts aims to train the employees about the potential hazards involved in the work environment of the automotive industry.

It is one of the intuitive automobile safety training program keeps the employees updated through a simple, innovative, mobile interface. The Methodical training messages, weekly meetings, checklists, and facility audits of the company have been appreciated by the clients to date.

Compliant Experts provides updated notification on the mobile device

Concise relevant safety training.

Daily safety checklists for pre-use equipment inspections.

Facility or equipment safety audits.

Policy document acknowledgment receipts.

Safety quizzes.

Training Certification.

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